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🐸 Content Creation

Creating a regular post​

To start writing a post, Please go to Posts > Add New. You will see a Gutenberg editor. You can add any blocks for creating your content.

There are post options as follows.

  • Alternative featured image - This enables you to have a different featured image for each post page. The selected alternative image will replace the featured image in an individual post page.
  • Excerpt - Write a custom excerpt for a short description of the post. The excerpt may appear as a tagline in some post layouts.
  • Template - Choose a template for the current post. You can modify the template in the full site editor. Please go to Appearance > Editor > Templates and look for the template that begins with Single.

Creating a review post​

Follow these steps to create a review post.

  1. Add a Review block into the content. The review block can only be used once per post.
  2. Enter review data into the review block.
  3. In the review block options, You can select a review template in the Template option.
  4. If you want to modify or made some change for style of the review block. Please go to Appearance > Editor > Template Parts and look for the template that begins with Review.
  5. Go to the post options, Enter a summary in the Review summary area. Some post layouts will display the summary.
  6. Click Save button.

Creating a recipe post​

Follow these steps to create a recipe post.

  1. Add a Recipe block into the content. The recipe block can only be used once per post.
  2. Enter the recipe data into the recipe block.
  3. In the recipe block options, You can select a recipe template in the Template option.
  4. If you want to modify or made some change for style of the recipe block. Please go to Appearance > Editor > Template Parts and look for the template that begins with Recipe.
  5. Go to the post options, Enter a summary in the Recipe summary area. Some post layouts will display the summary.
  6. Start writing a recipe instruction by adding a Directions block in any position of the post content.
  7. Enter a direction steps. You can also include a media block to improve instruction.
  8. Click Save button.

Creating a place post​

These steps explains how to add an extra information when you writing a post about places.

  1. Go to the post options, Enter a summary in the Place summary area. Some post layouts will display the summary.
  2. Click Save button.

Creating an event post​

These steps explains how to add an extra information when you writing a post about events or seminars.

  1. Go to the post options, Enter a summary in the Event summary area. Some post layouts will display the summary.
  2. Click Save button.

Creating a page​

You can create a page in the same way as creating a post. The page has an options as follows.

  • Alternative featured image - This enables you to have a different featured image for each page. The selected alternative image will replace the featured image in an individual page.
  • Template - Choose a template for the current page. You can modify the template in the full site editor. Please go to Appearance > Editor > Templates and look for the template that begins with Page.